Captain (N) (Retd) Norman Jolin, OMM, MSM, CD joined CFN Consultants in May 2017 after serving 37 years in the Canadian Navy. A naval career that saw service across the entire spectrum of maritime operations – his final appointments were outside Canada in support of NATO and defence diplomacy. He served at sea for the majority of his career in both ships and submarines, having commanded a squadron of minor warships and later the Halifax-class frigate HMCS MONTREAL.
Post seagoing command, Norm conducted academic mentoring to mid-seniority officers as a member of the Directing Staff at the Canadian Forces College. Subsequently, as the Branch Head for Exercises at NATO’s Atlantic Command (ACLANT), he was instrumental in the design and stand-up of NATO’s Strategic Transformation Command in Norfolk Virginia (ACT); specifically he led a number of teams in the redesign, development and implementation of how NATO trains and certifies forces for operations. As the Naval Adviser to the UK and Defence Attaché to Denmark he focused on international security and diplomacy issues in providing strategic level advice to Ministers and Ambassadors. Later as a member of NATO’s International Military Staff in Brussels Belgium, he successfully led teams tasked with developing agreed military advice on NATO operations in Afghanistan for NATO’s Military Committee, and follow-on, the North Atlantic Council. Most recently he has provided advice on Canadian defence procurement for a foreign defence firm.
Norm is a graduate of Dalhousie University (History) and the Canadian Forces College.
At CFN, Norm provides assistance to clients by applying his extensive experience and expertise to acquisition projects for the Royal Canadian Navy and the Canadian Coast Guard. He is a key member of the team for projects to upgrade the Federal fleets, as well as new builds under the National Shipbuilding Strategy.
Contact Norman Jolin - Associate Consultant