CFN provides services to an extensive range of private sector companies across a broad spectrum of industrial interests, representing both Canadian and offshore clients. While not exhaustive, the following list is indicative of the diversity of clients currently drawing upon CFN's expertise.
Arcfield Babcock Barrier Marine BluMetric Cahill Collins Aerospace, an RTX Business Colt Canada DEW Engineering Des Nedhe Group DXC Technology Ellis Don Fundamentum Gastops GD Ordnance & Tactical Systems Global Spatial Technology Solutions (GSTS) Hanwha Defense USA Hanwha OCEAN IAI
IMT Kongsberg Geospatial J-Squared L3 Harris Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Lockheed Martin Canada Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control Lockheed Martin Sippican Magellan Aerospace Corporation NordSpace NovAtel Patlon RaceRocks 3D Rafael USA Inc Serco VARD Marine Zelim Zodiac